Vintage Performance Collection

iz kolekcije Collection Vintage by performanceVintage, pre 10 godine
od Performance Maria de Fatima
Vintage Performance Collection- Modna kombinacija
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Komentari (8)


haikuandkysses, pre 6 godine


Performance Maria de Fatima, pre 10 godine

Gorm!! Dear friend Gorm! my friend of my heart ! I Miss To You!!! heart
Hear from you is a gift from God! Thanks! Thanks Thanks! heart heart
I do not have the right words to express myself ... heart heart

gorm , pre 10 godine

E Maria, Maria ovi tvoji predivni radovi su odraz tvoje umjetničke duše, nemam puno vremena ali ponekad zavirim i odmorim dušu gledajuči kreativnost svih vas koji svojim trudom dajete blagoslov umjetnosti a potom i modi !!!!! Veliki zagrljaj od srca tebi i svima ostalima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gorm , pre 10 godine

E Maria, Maria, these thy wonderful works are a reflection of your artistic soul, I do not have much time but sometimes peek and rest the soul of all creativity watching it you that your efforts you bless the art and then the fashion!! A big hug from my heart to you and everyone else!!!!!!!

maca1974, pre 10 godine

great set smile

Performance Maria de Fatima, pre 10 godine

Obrigada, querida amiga Flávia Santos! Beijos no heart

Flávia Santos, pre 10 godine

Nossa ! D+ !

Performance Maria de Fatima, pre 10 godine

Kisssss on heart dear Petra!

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Zadnje korisnikove kombinacije

Artikli kombinacije (5)

Kombinacije sa sličnim graf. el.

Special moments

od Sherlin

 412    0  

Mad of flowers

od Sherlin

 687    0  

Floral pattern

od Sherlin

 576    0  

All my heart

od Sherlin

 992    18  

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