After it's Over !!

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2020Putovanje, pre 4 godine
od Kate O
After it's Over !! - Modna kombinacija
03 APR 2020 ~ I want to walk on the beach, breath fresh Sea Air and Hug and Kiss someone !!

Happy Friday, Stay Safe and Healthy !!

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Komentari (16)


Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks Bunches !!

neverorever , pre 4 godine

Fantastic creation dearheart

Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks Deb !!
Doozer ~ XOXO !!

Doozer , pre 4 godine

LOVE this Sweetie!! XXO

Niwi , pre 4 godine


Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !!
Niwi ~ Yes, you are lucky that you can work from home. So many people don't have jobs like that. I wouldn't be able to work from home if I still worked, not because it was impossible, but because it would've been super expensive. But, I don't have to worry about that, just where my next roll of TP will come from !! LOL !! Hugs !!

Niwi , pre 4 godine

Working from home was ok, even not always easy though, but I feel so lucky I could use this option. Hope you can hug your Munchkins safe and soon sweetie. Hugs ! xoxo

beautifulplace, pre 4 godine

Brilliant tropical style, dear!! smile

HalfMoonRun, pre 4 godine

Your set perfectly supports your wish.

Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thank You Lovely Ladies !!
Michelle858 ~ xo
Marina Dusanic
Anne Irene
Niwi ~ I could do both !! Just want to be able to hug & kiss my Munchkins, Family & Friends !! My weekend will be safe and quiet !!
Hope your week working from home was good !! xoxo!!

justmetwo, pre 4 godine

Brilliant smile

Michelle858, pre 4 godine

I love your creativity with the backgrounds ! smile
Gorgeous beach outfit !

Marina Dusanic, pre 4 godine


Niwi , pre 4 godine

See what you mean ! I'm dreaming of the forest smile
Have a nice and safe weekend sweetie xoxo

BeBeauty, pre 4 godine

love this smile
Happy Friday to you and stay safe too smile

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