Starting Over - My 1st Set In A New Land

dalla collezione Spring/Summer 2012 , prima 6 annifa
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Starting Over - My 1st Set In A New Land- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (19)


neverorever , prima 5 annifa


shortyluv718, prima 6 annifa

great first set

FreeBird, prima 6 annifa

Love the color combination smile

Bev Martin, prima 6 annifa


FreeBird, prima 6 annifa

So chic style!

nanawidia, prima 6 annifa

pretty look

VN1TA , prima 6 annifa

So chic!

carola-corana, prima 6 annifa


Anne Irene , prima 6 annifa

Happy to see you and your new creation !!!

Stormbattereddragon , prima 6 annifa

HI Sharee my Bowie-loving friend! I'm super happy to see you here! The last thing I saw on PV before it vanished was all your fantastic comments on ten of my sets! And I was about to leave you a bunch of praise and then PV was gone, so sad!

Deepwinter, prima 6 annifa

It's very nice to see you here!

haikuandkysses, prima 6 annifa

Beautiful Set! xoxo

Anseva, prima 6 annifa

Beautiful look dear!!!

CraftyGeminiCreation , prima 6 annifa

Yay! You did it! Way to go! Wonderful 1st set! I'm no fashion expert, but I always have thought you've got wonderful taste! Keep it up girlfriend! xoxo

petri5, prima 6 annifa

wonderful look dear and so great to see you here too!!!

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