Simple & Comfy

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2018Autunno, prima 5 annifa
di Emily
Simple & Comfy- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (6)


Emily , prima 5 annifa

Michelle858 dgia Thank you ! And yea, the bag looks really cool ^^

Michelle858, prima 5 annifa

I LOVE that bag ! Great set ! smile

dgia, prima 5 annifa

Great look,and.... I adore that bag!

HalfMoonRun, prima 5 annifa

Sweet Emily
thank you very much for your words in French. - merci beaucoup pour vos mots en français. ☆

Emily , prima 5 annifa

HalfMoonRun merci beaucoup ^^

HalfMoonRun, prima 5 annifa

C'est très, très joli. - It's very, very pretty. ☆

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