How to wear a Loose Fitting Patchwork Midi Dress!

iz kolekcije Date Dress!Zima, pred 3 leta
od DiscoMermaid
How to wear a Loose Fitting Patchwork Midi Dress!- Modna kombinacija
Stella McCartney employs an ethical stance to empower women through her designs. Made from a sustainable viscose blend, this red Sable crepe midi-dress has been cut for a loose fit and detailed with embroidered patchwork from recycled fabrics. Fashion you can feel good about. Featuring a deep V neck, long sleeves, button cuffs, a draped design, a loose style, embroidered patchwork from recycled fabrics, stitched bands dropping from the waist and a curved hem. Pair it with a Dior A-line coat....

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DiscoMermaid , pred 3 leta

Thank you so much guys! lemo , Sherlin , beautifulplace , peewee PV , BeBeauty , esterika ,sandra , kari ch ,Renita , dgia !

dgia, pred 3 leta


Renita , pred 3 leta

Congrats! xo

kari ch, pred 3 leta

Congratulations heart

sandra , pred 3 leta

Fab congrats

esterika, pred 3 leta


BeBeauty, pred 3 leta

classy ♥ congrats

peewee PV, pred 3 leta


beautifulplace, pred 3 leta

Congratulations! ❤️

Sherlin, pred 3 leta

Congrats, darling!

lemo, pred 3 leta

wow a dream CONGRATULATIONS!heartheartheart

Kim Coles, pred 3 leta

Congratulations ❤

HalfMoonRun, pred 3 leta

Congratulations on your Set Of The Day.

JelNik, pred 3 leta


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