Be yourself today, you look beautiful like that.

iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2021 , pred 3 leta
od KateGWest
Be yourself today, you look beautiful like that.  - Modna kombinacija
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Komentarji (18)


sandra , pred 3 leta

KateGWest thank you, it is both very bold and very tasteful. I've noticed it takes longer for my items and sometimes sets as well to be added as public, but keep checking in, I update regularly

KateGWest, pred 3 leta

sandra thank you very much OH! I just saw that most of the items are yours !! thank you for sharing your wonderful taste -

sandra , pred 3 leta

outstanding outfit

KateGWest, pred 3 leta

Thank you very much Anne Irene

Anne Irene , pred 3 leta

Perfect autumn look !!!! ❤️

KateGWest, pred 3 leta

Thank you beautifulplace & BeBeauty !!

beautifulplace, pred 3 leta

Such a lovely & charming look ❤️

BeBeauty, pred 3 leta

super smile

KateGWest, pred 3 leta

Thank you kind friends!! xok

JelNik , Danijela

Danijela , pred 3 leta

Excellent ❤

JelNik, pred 3 leta

Stunning look!! Great!

KateGWest, pred 3 leta

I am so glad you all liked this set - thank you for the FABULOUS comments!! xok

HalfMoonRun , Michelle858 , Doozer , justmetwo

justmetwo, pred 3 leta

Excellent,love every item ♥♥

Doozer , pred 3 leta

WOW Sweetie this is totally amazing, great job!! XXO

Michelle858, pred 3 leta

Unique and so fashion forward smile

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