
iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2018Umetnost, Natečaj 'Fast Test Contest', pred 6 leta
od Niwi
Believe- Modna kombinacija
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Komentarji (12)


countrycuz, pred 4 leta


haikuandkysses, pred 6 leta


Niwi , pred 6 leta

Thank you sandra smile

sandra , pred 6 leta

gorgeous as always

Bev Martin, pred 6 leta


Kate O, pred 6 leta

Niwi ~ Hugs !!!

Niwi , pred 6 leta

Take care of you sweetie, you are right to be careful with the infection risk. Hope this is the only side effect you'll have to face with these pills ! (((hugs)))
Kate O

Kate O, pred 6 leta

We are both Happy !! Enjoy your Thursday evening !! I had to cancel my Dental appointment today because of the mouth sores and concern about infection. Unlike the other treatments (they were blocking Estrogen), this is Chemo in pill form !! So far the only noticeable side effect is the mouth sores, if that is all I have, then I'll be OK !!!
Hugs Vero !! xoxox !!

Niwi , pred 6 leta

Happy you like it Kate! Thank you smile
xo Kate O

QueenRachie71 , pred 6 leta

beautiful....i love it

Marina , pred 6 leta

Very beautiful !!! ❤️

Kate O, pred 6 leta

So Lovely Vero !! I am so happy when you are able to create your Art !!

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