Working Girl

da colecção Spring/Summer 2020Trabalho, antes 4 anos
de Kate O
Working Girl - combinação de moda
03 MAY 2020 ~ If I did work, this outfit would be one that I would wear. It is Professional, yet Fun !!

Have a Great Day !!

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Comentários (8)


Niwi , antes 4 anos

It was some kind of ironic point of view as, of course, I didn't think about an outfit all employees would wear the same. It's rather about an idea of how amployees are supposed to get dress at their office, some kind of dress code smile
I never wore any real uniform so far, even as a child.
Sorry for the delay sweetie, I quickly saw the question and planned to come back a bit later to have time take the trivia ! But well... time tricks me.
Hugs ! smile

Kate O, antes 4 anos

Niwi ~ I can only imagine since I have no need to work and wear outfits such as this one !! Haha !!
You called this a uniform, is that common or normal for clothing that one wears to work ?? Uniform here means the same outfit that all employees wear every work day. Like a flight attendant, military, nurse, etc. I wore a uniform when I attended a Parochial School, did not like the style or color, but I couldn't change that !! I totally understand the reasoning behind uniforms now, but as a teenager I didn't like it !! Only had to wear the uniform for 2 years, then I transferred to public school !!
Hee, hee !! A little bit of trivia for you !! Hugs !!

Niwi , antes 4 anos

Lovely working uniform Kate ! hehehe smile)

Kate O, antes 4 anos

Thanks Hon !!

thevirtualstylist/efashiondiva , antes 4 anos


Kate O, antes 4 anos

Thanks Bunches !!!

Michelle858, antes 4 anos

I'd wear it , too. Even working from home. It's wonderful, Kate heart

BeBeauty, antes 4 anos

very elegant work look smile

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