keystone species 17: whales

da colecção keystone speciesPraia, antes 10 mêses
de sandra
keystone species 17: whales- combinação de moda
among the biggest mammals (yes mammal) in the world the whale is an endangered species. Yet this is one of the greatest spreaders of nutrients in our oceans. They sustain the life of the creatures where they travel and when they pass the sustain smaller ocean animals for decades

They also capture carbon helping to do their bit against climate change

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KateGWest, antes 10 mêses


Danijela , antes 10 mêses

Perfect ❤︎

DiscoMermaid , antes 10 mêses

This is so cute!

siriusfun, antes 10 mêses

Love this summer outfit and your amazing set design!!!

HalfMoonRun, antes 10 mêses

Beautiful summer look and colours. WONDERFUL set and other informative chronicle. ❤︎

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