How to wear a Short-Sleeve All-Over Floral Shirt!

da colecção How to wear Preppy!Trabalho, Concurso 'MAY FLOWERS', antes 12 mêses
de DiscoMermaid
How to wear a Short-Sleeve All-Over Floral Shirt!- combinação de moda
Look professional in this short-sleeved shirt, all-over print floral print shirt from Dolce & Gabbana. Pair it with a Fendi pleated skirt. Accessorize with Dolce & Gabbana pumps, bag and matching jewellery.

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DiscoMermaid , antes 12 mêses

Thanks, cure kitty !

cure kitty, antes 12 mêses

Gorgeous! Beautiful Set! ❤️❤️❤️

DiscoMermaid , antes 12 mêses

Thanks, siriusfun !

siriusfun, antes 12 mêses


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