It's Autumn in Australia !!

z kolekcji Spring/Summer 2018Podrożuwanie, przed 6 lat
od Kate O
It's Autumn in Australia !! - Kreacja
07 JUN 2018 ~ Lovely Friends live in Sydney and I would love to visit again !!

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Komentarze (18)


haikuandkysses, przed 6 lat


Kate O, przed 6 lat

@Bev Martin ~ Thanks Hon !!

Bev Martin, przed 6 lat

Beautiful! Love the Autumn colors!

Kate O, przed 6 lat

@Niwi ~ It's Autumn Down Under !! Hugs !!

Niwi , przed 6 lat

Awesome pattern and colors Kate ! It makes me think of Fall smile

Kate O, przed 6 lat

Thanks Gals !!
@Cindy Pete

Anne Irene , przed 6 lat

Awesome !!! ❤️

Cindy Pete , przed 6 lat

So chic, fantastic!

JecaKNS, przed 6 lat

Pretty look

Kate O, przed 6 lat

Hugs & Thanks my Sweet Friends !!

@Incogneato ~ The last time I was there it was in Sept. and it was Springtime !!
I am sure I would sort of get used to the seasons being the opposite, except Christmas !! They celebrate it with BBQ's on the Beach in 90+ degree weather !!
I love my Christmases in colder climates !! Hugs Sweetie !!

svijetlana2, przed 6 lat


Duki, przed 6 lat

So pretty!

asia12, przed 6 lat

Superb look

Incogneato, przed 6 lat

Sounds like a great plan! Love this outfit, the skirt is so versatile and gorgeous. I want to visit friends who moved to Costa Rica during the gloomy winter season here! Cheers to making plans!

beautifulplace, przed 6 lat

Very elegant, love this look!

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