Adorable shirtdress

dalla collezione PinkTutti i giorni, prima 6 mesifa
di Gaja11
Adorable shirtdress- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (29)


Gaja11 , prima 6 mesifa

Thank you webmaster trendMe for including my set in the Sets of the Day ❤︎

Gaja11 , prima 6 mesifa

JelNik HalfMoonRun siriusfun Doozer Diane1234 dgia
Gordana Danilov Almadiana Hazi jacksondobe lemo
justmetwo LEA FAULKS Barbijoux
Thank you dear friends for always kind comments ❤︎

Barbijoux, prima 6 mesifa

Congratulazioni bellissimo set of the day!

LEA FAULKS, prima 6 mesifa

Gorgeous! A huge congratulations for your beautiful Set of the Day!

justmetwo, prima 6 mesifa

Huge congrats dear,excellent ♥

lemo, prima 6 mesifa

Congratulations! heart

jacksondobe, prima 6 mesifa

Beautiful!! Congratulations my dear!! heartheartheart

Hazi, prima 6 mesifa


Almadiana , prima 6 mesifa


Gordana Danilov, prima 6 mesifa


dgia, prima 6 mesifa

Congrats xx

Diane1234, prima 6 mesifa

Congrats on your set of the day

Doozer , prima 6 mesifa

Congrats Sweetie!! XXO

siriusfun, prima 6 mesifa

Beautiful set!! Huge Congratulations!!

HalfMoonRun, prima 6 mesifa

Congratulations on your Set Of The Day. ❤︎

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