How to wear Leopard Print Cuff Sleeve Midi Dress!

collection Date Dress!First Date, 5 years ago
by DiscoMermaid
How to wear Leopard Print Cuff Sleeve Midi Dress!- Fashion set
Best friends Henrietta Rix and Orlagh McCloskey shared a passion for vintage finds and a fearless approach to dressing. They created Rixo to re-invent those ‘70s British pieces that they loved so much, giving them a more refined and modern feel. This brown and black silk-blend Piper leopard-print midi dress from Rixo features a v-neck, a classic collar, long sleeves and fitted cuffs. Accessorize with two toned boots, a black sling bag and statement earrings.

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Comments (1)


Michelle858, 5 years ago

Love it ! I will have to look into Rixo !

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