Une Promenade Avec L' Automne

De la colección Les Histoires The StoriesOtoño, Concurso 'Mid-November Style Extravaganza!', 6 meses hace
por HalfMoonRun
Une Promenade Avec L' Automne- Combinaciónde moda
Comentarios (8)



Gaja11 , 6 meses hace

What a great walk and fab style!

siriusfun, 6 meses hace

Stunning, stylish outfit and set!!

BeBeauty, 6 meses hace

I love it smile

zoloto, 6 meses hace

A beautiful autumn set! Impeccably put together! I especially like the PRADA bag, it will go with almost all autumn looks! The scarf and top fit perfectly into the overall composition!

justmetwo, 6 meses hace

Outstanding,love all your choices ♥

Doozer , 6 meses hace

Fall fantastic!! XXO

Sb2020, 6 meses hace

I adore your set

JelNik, 6 meses hace

I love this picture of autumn in its absolute beauty and this fabulous outfit!

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