
  • How do I tag someone in the comments?

    Tags: Comments, sets, help, questions.
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    Topic created: 4 years ago. Answer count: 3.


Community topic answers

  • Thank you! This really helps. 4 years ago
    1  |   Like
  • As you type @username, the username and their icon will appear in bold. Click on that user name that appear and it will go into the comment box and be a hyperlink. Example:
    @Anna Co (name full name with icon will appear) , Click on what appears - the user's name and icon. It will automatically go into the comment box. You can practice a few times. If it doesn't work, you can delete it from the comment box and try again. :)
    4 years ago
    2  |   Like
  • Before you write their name you put @ in front of it then click on the persons name that pops up. I hope this helps :) 4 years ago
    3  |   Like

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