How to wear a Stretch-Virgin Wool-Blend Jumpsuit!

collection How to wear Preppy!Work, 12 months ago
by DiscoMermaid
How to wear a Stretch-Virgin Wool-Blend Jumpsuit!- Fashion set
Moschino creates its fashion trends rather than following the system. Its creativity is expressed through a new combination of stylistic elements. Wear the brand's jumpsuit in a grey stretch virgin wool blend. Accessorize with snake-print pumps, a Mochi handbag and matching jewellery.

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Comments (4)


DiscoMermaid , 12 months ago

Thanks, zoloto , siriusfun and beleev !

beleev , 12 months ago

Gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️ !!!!!

siriusfun, 12 months ago

Outstanding outfit!!

zoloto, 12 months ago

Impressions are the coolest!

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