How to wear a Polka Dot Semi-Sheer Maxi Dress!

collection How to wear Boho!Autumn, 3 years ago
by DiscoMermaid
How to wear a Polka Dot Semi-Sheer Maxi Dress!- Fashion set
Calf-length dress in airy, woven fabric with a round neckline and opening at back of neck with button. Shoulder seams with ruffle trim, long sleeves with a ruffle-trimmed seam, and elasticized cuffs. Gathered seam at waist and skirt with gathered seam at hips. Short liner dress in jersey with narrow shoulder straps. Accessorize with Valentino flats, a Marc Jacobs tote and matching heart shaped jewelry.

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Comments (2)


DiscoMermaid , 3 years ago

Thanks, sandra !

sandra , 3 years ago

Great look

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