How to wear Classic Silhoutte Fitted Trousers!

collection Autumn/Winter 2022Autumn, Competition 'NOVEMBER KNITS', 6 months ago
by DiscoMermaid
How to wear Classic Silhoutte Fitted Trousers!- Fashion set
Versace allows for the bold coral hue of these trousers to speak for itself, keeping the tailored silhouette classic and simple, with a kick flare that falls just above the ankle. Branding is also kept minimal, with a subtle Medusa Head plaque detailing the waist. Pair it with a Moschino jacket, a See by Chloe sweatshirt and matching sneakers.

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Comments (1)


Miqa, 6 months ago

Cool setsmile)

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Set items (5)

Capri & Cropped
Versace trousers - Capri & Cropped - $1,840.00
Jacket - coats
jacket - Jacket - coats -


Sneakers - Sneakers -
Long sleeves t-shirts
SEE BY CHLOÉ - Long sleeves t-shirts -

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