Keystone species 16: mangrove trees

da colecção keystone speciesNatureza, antes 10 mêses
de sandra
Keystone species 16: mangrove trees- combinação de moda
these big rooted trees are the kidneys of the coast and grow near, you guessed it water, they help clear the water for near shore plants like seagrasses etc. They firm up the soil and prevent erosion from say storms

They can also be nurseries for young fish and are commonly found in warm (sub)tropical areas as they are unresistant to cold

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HalfMoonRun, antes 10 mêses

Great boho styling. Another beautifully inspired and instructive set (thank you). ❤︎

KateGWest, antes 10 mêses


siriusfun, antes 10 mêses


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