.Shall we take a walk?

dalla collezione other-collectionTutti i giorni, prima 1 annifa
di Evgeniya7
.Shall we take a walk?- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (27)



Evgeniya7, prima 1 annifa

❤ Thank you so much, Michelle858 ! ❤

Michelle858, prima 1 annifa

The jacket, boots and bag are outstanding for this lovely set !

Evgeniya7, prima 1 annifa

❤ Thank you so much, dear JelNik ! From the heart! ❤

JelNik, prima 1 annifa

Love the outfit and design!

Evgeniya7, prima 1 annifa

❤️ Thank you very much, respected lemo ! ❤️

lemo, prima 1 annifa

so chic my dear Evyheartheartheartheartthank you very,very much for congratulations"I WISH YOU A NICE DAY!"

Evgeniya7, prima 1 annifa

❤️ Thank you very much, dear friends! ❤️
BeBeauty ❤️
KateGWest ❤️
Gaja11 ❤️
beautifulplace ❤️
Doozer ❤️

KateGWest, prima 1 annifa

Remarkable Set!!

Doozer , prima 1 annifa

Perfect Sweetie!! XXO

beautifulplace, prima 1 annifa

Such a lovely & fab look, dear ❤️

Gaja11 , prima 1 annifa

Fab set design!

BeBeauty, prima 1 annifa

cool ♥ I love it

Evgeniya7, prima 1 annifa

❤️ Thank you so much, my dear friends! From the heart! ❤️
Diane1234 ❤️
zoloto ❤️
Márta Tugyi ❤️
dgia ❤️

dgia, prima 1 annifa

Such a very chic casual set

Márta Tugyi, prima 1 annifa

Love it all! So cute dog!

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