How to wear a Boxy-Crop Rib-Knit Sleeveless Top!

collection How to wear Punk!Summer, 11 months ago
by DiscoMermaid
How to wear a Boxy-Crop Rib-Knit Sleeveless Top!- Fashion set
Mike Eckhaus and Zoe Latta are the founders of Eckhaus Latta, a New York and Los Angeles-based label that distinguishes itself from its peers. Wear the brand's boxy-crop rob-knit sleeveless top and pair it with spiked denim shorts. Accessorize with Adidas sneakers, a Love Moschino backpack, matching earrings and sunglasses.

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Comments (2)


DiscoMermaid , 11 months ago

Thanks, siriusfun !

siriusfun, 11 months ago

I love the colors, outfit and set!!

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