Second Date ❤

dalla collezione GlamorGlamour, prima 10 mesifa
di Evgeniya7
Second Date ❤- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (18)


Evgeniya7, prima 9 mesifa

smile smile Oh, I'm tired of these dresses! But I found out how it works)) Thank you again siriusfun ! ❤❤❤

siriusfun, prima 9 mesifa

I see I have already liked this set!! And I really do love this dress and set!!!! Short memory I guess!!LOL!!

Evgeniya7, prima 9 mesifa

Thank you, dear lemo from the bottom of my heart! ❤

lemo, prima 9 mesifa

very beautifulheartheartheart

Evgeniya7, prima 9 mesifa

Thank you, lovely girls, from the bottom of my heart! ❤️
BeBeauty ❤️
siriusfun ❤️

siriusfun, prima 10 mesifa

Beautiful colors and outfit!!!

BeBeauty, prima 10 mesifa

perfectly done smile

Evgeniya7, prima 10 mesifa

Oh, how nice it is for me, dear ones! Thank you most sincerely! ❤️
HalfMoonRun ❤️
HonkyTonkDancer ❤️
KateGWest ❤️
justmetwo ❤️
zoloto ❤️
Hazi ❤️
JelNik ❤️
Michelle858 ❤️
beautifulplace ❤️
Barbijoux ❤️

Barbijoux, prima 10 mesifa


beautifulplace, prima 10 mesifa

Simply gorgeous and elegant, dearheart

Michelle858, prima 10 mesifa

The mugs look like they have something very good in them ! Fabulous outfit and set !

JelNik, prima 10 mesifa


Hazi, prima 10 mesifa

Beautiful in every way heart

zoloto, prima 10 mesifa

Amazingly beautiful dress, chic shoes and a bright red bag! Everything looks graceful!

justmetwo, prima 10 mesifa

Ohhh!!! perfect dear ♥ love the dress ♥

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Scarpe classiche
casadei - Scarpe classiche -
шляпы - Orecchine -


Фон - Attrezzatura -


Фон - Attrezzatura -


Elementi grafici  (6)

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