Donna Karan Accesorios - Donna Karan Hosiery Luxe Layer Over-the-Knee Liner (0B330)

Report Agregado: 6 años hace

$22.49 ~ 19.32€

62% rayon, 34% nylon, 4% spandex Country of origin: Imported.
Ribbed leg bands are 3" tall.
Seamed toes.
One pair.
Product Description
The Donna Karan Hosiery Luxe Layer Over-the-Knee Liner 0B330 is a great addition to your cold weather wardrobe and is designed to be worn alone or layered with other socks. Donna Karan's Hosiery Luxe Layer Over-the-Knee Liner features an inner brushing and soft knit fabric that will keep your leg warm without sacrificing style.

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