Dream date: Winners


Dear trendMe users,
Here are the best of the best in our Dream Date Contest!
This time we are more than sure that you have in all the aspects accomplish our goal and fulfil the set up criteria! We’ve asked you to create the sets that will seduce and attract your partner and you achieve just that! Your sets are so compelling that we are wishing that we could be a part of your real dream date. 
We honestly hope that you will have enough courage and time to realize your dream and wear exact clothes which you have selected for you beautiful sets.
We have noticed that for some of you the clothes in the sets were dominate and in the first place of your creation while for the others the main role in the set was given to real person, their feelings and fashion atmosphere. That help us understand how you see and live fashion, what fashion represents in your live and in which way and in what part does it influence your live and your personal decisions.
In this case some of you succeeded to create a sets in which clothes and great selection of fashion items are just a add value to your personality and inner beauty, meaning that you are wearing the clothes and not the other way around. These sets are for us the best ones.
Once again, congratulations to winners and all other Contest participants!
In next few days we will contact the winner and arrange a reward winning ceremony




Three Finalists


1. Čekam te tamo..na klupi..nemoj kasnit <3 - author: Marinela Ravlić

2. At the restaurant! - author: Lady Di ♕

3. Inside of my soul* - author: Elena Ena


About the winning combination


Every dream date comes with a tremendous amount of anxiety as you want to impress your date while also enjoying yourself. This is the time when we want to present the best of us, our advantages as well as our outer and inner beauty.
This Contest winners set has proven to us that simplicity in the fashion is everything, especially when you are confident and when you know what you want. Winners clothes selection and her sense of creative direction has convinced us that she is more than confident to present everything what she got in the right and stunning way!
The minimalistic but impressive clothes selection in Marinela Ravlić set is playing small but very important role in creating the real dream date atmosphere. The emphasis is placed on the person’s outer beauty using the female body as the main weapon in this small and sweet game. She wasn’t afraid to use small and elegant dress that will highlight here body, her curves and the figure for which we all now is the main object of desire of every man.
A carefully selected illustrative element which decorates the dream date “playground” shows as that she is prepare, that she is ready to leave here dream date speechless.
Colour selection of fashion items which are perfectly matched for the right occasion are not aggressive and are in each way sending the right message: “look at me, I am here for you”. She is not hiding behind the clothes; clothes are part of her beauty.
Even though we are facing with really  simple fashion set, Marinela Ravlić has succeeded to bring the best of her Dream date by putting in focus itself, a real and passionate person who uses the fashion as perfect tool to achieve her goal and make her dream wish come true.  
We won’t to congratulate to Marinela Ravlić and to all other contest participants on remarkable work and creativity
Other finalists of "Dream Date" contest can be seen here.

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