Bohemian Spring 2020

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2020Pomlad, pred 4 leta
od Kate O
Bohemian Spring 2020- Modna kombinacija
23 APR 2020 ~ the Maxi dress is a Spring and Summer Fashion staple for me. It can be dressed up or remain casual and depending on the fabric is very cool in the heat of late Spring and Summer !!
Love this Fashion !!

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Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !!
Niwi ~ heartheart

Niwi , pred 4 leta

Beautiful sweetie, and I really love that dress ! smile
Hugs xoxo !

JelNik, pred 4 leta

Wonderful set in a bohemian style!

justmetwo, pred 4 leta

What a gorgeous set & look ❤️

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks Deb !!

Doozer , pred 4 leta

Beautiful boho set Sweetie!! XXO

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks Friends !!

HalfMoonRun, pred 4 leta

Very pretty "haute hippie" fashion and set.

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Aww, Thanks Sweetie !!

beautifulplace, pred 4 leta

Literally a dream ❤️

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