Keystone species 11: fig trees

iz kolekcije keystone speciesNarava, pred 12 mesecev
od sandra
Keystone species 11: fig trees- Modna kombinacija
sometimes called the sacred fig tree, this tree blooms several times a year and so is a reliable food source for tree dwellers and birds, but also elephants, tapirs and giraffes, etc. So fig trees are a universal favourite.

Fig trees are common in Mediterranean countries, all the way from Africa, to India and quite a few stops in between

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Márta Tugyi, pred 12 mesecev

Love this set!

HalfMoonRun, pred 12 mesecev

Great styling and another chronicle about the natutre that raises awareness of its beauty but also its fragility. ❤︎

BeBeauty, pred 12 mesecev

love it smile

siriusfun, pred 12 mesecev

Wonderful neutral outfit!!

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