How do you delete 'drafts'

  • Hi, im new here and i have figured most of it but can someone please tell me how i delete the drafts i made, which are no longer needed as they are posted?
    Also is it possible to delete items i have made favourites?
    Thanks for any help

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    Topic created: 4 years ago. Answer count: 3.


Community topic answers

  • Thank you, i will have a go, and hopefully get rid of all the old stuff, much appreciated :)
    4 years ago
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  • When you go to your page and click on "create a set" and click on "set" you can press "open draft" and it will show all the drafts you have created. Under all of them, there is a button with "delete" with a picture of a trash can next to it. This will delete it. Or, you can click on a draft and edit it. 4 years ago
    3  |   Like
  • I'm not sure how to delete a draft, but to delete an idem you go to the 3 lines (net to the bell icon, in top right corner) click on them and than click on the favorites tap and then you can delete any of your favorites. I hope this helps :) :) 4 years ago
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